Top 5 Gardening Trends for 2022 on the NSW North Coast

Top 5 Gardening Trends for 2022 on the NSW North Coast

Image credit Sanctum Screens

Top 5 Landscaping and Gardening Trends for 2022

Not that we’ve settled into the new year, we want to give you a preview of the upcoming gardening trends for 2022. While the lockdowns of the past two years forced many of us to stay home, it’s been a busy time for landscape garden designers. Homeowners have turned to their immediate surroundings for inspiration, resulting in some beautiful ideas and emerging trends for gardening and backyard landscaping.

From alfresco dining spaces to gardens featuring stunning native plants, here’s our list of what’s hot and on-trend for this year. Get ready to discover your next garden project.

1. Hot right now: Stunning screens 

No more sitting on fences! Garden screens are proving to be a hugely popular option for outdoor spaces. Whether you want to add a subtle touch of privacy, create a separate section in your yard or bring some unique wall art to your property, garden screens are practical and stylish. If you’re looking for some screen inspiration, Sanctum Screens offer a vast range of stunning designs made with specialised materials of premium quality. There’s a perfect screen for just about every garden.

2. Kid-friendly Gardens to Keep Them Entertained

Gardening makes a great family activity and will encourage kids to be out in the fresh air. Why not start a weekend project together? Or create a unique fairy garden for your little ones? They won’t even notice they’re away from their screens. Most of all, you will help them discover nature and build their love for the outdoors while creating special family memories.

3. Outdoor Escapes – Find Your Sanctuary  

Since 2020, we’ve experienced a series of lockdowns, restrictions and many of us have, at some point, been in isolation and restricted to our homes. During this time, our backyards have provided a break from the mundane.

In post lockdown life, many homeowners are creating their dream alfresco dining or entertaining space or a BBQ area to help them continue enjoying the sunshine and greenery in an inviting outdoor space.

4. Indigenous Planting – Go Natural and Native! 

For a low-maintenance and sustainable garden, look no further than our indigenous and native plants. Many native plants can survive on rainfall alone.

Your garden will naturally flourish while conserving biodiversity in creating a home for native wildlife like butterflies, lizards, bees and birds.

5. Vegetable Gardens – From the Ground, Straight to the Plate

Want to make healthier, fresher meals? When you plant your own vegetable garden, you can reap and harvest the nutritional rewards of home-grown vegetables and herbs. Raised vegetable gardens will help control the soil quality, guaranteeing top-notch produce straight to your kitchen. Keep your vegetables and herbs well-watered with an irrigation system installation. As a fantastic investment, it will keep water bills down while saving you time and ensure your plants thrive.

As your local Gardenologists, we provide expert gardening and landscaping design in Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads, Tweed Coast and across the beautiful North Coast of New South Wales.

Are you inspired by what you see? Keen to have one of these amazing garden trends for 2022 in your backyard? Make this year at time of growth and creativity for your garden.

Let us help you create your next backyard landscaping project. Call us to learn more on  0448 300 736